MOE animation bts 2

Behind the Scenes of the MOE Safety Animation

The MOE Media Team, with the help of Safety Mentor Pam Rife, CAD mentor Ken Annan and student programmer Shane Q, have been busy creating an animated video for the 2016 FIRST Safety Animation competition.

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Bella, Laura, Shane and Ken work on editing.

This project has been a real team effort, from the first brainstorming session, through the storyboarding, script creation, character and background design, voiceover, music, and editing. “We’re proud of our students,” says Media mentor Laura Donahue. “The animation is really clever and creative.”

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Arynn narrates.

The 40-second video features the MOE Safety Bug, designed and animated by Shane Q, the Robot, designed by Bella T, and a Medieval background, also designed by Bella. Arynn H. narrates. The video also includes original music by John Quinn.

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Sneak Peek!

MOE will be submitting the animation for consideration this month. The winning animation will be played at official FRC events this season. GO MOE!


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