Daily Archives: March 20, 2021

Game Design Team Update

gold rush
The Game Design team has been meeting every week to brainstorm and incorporate some of the best ideas into a polished and finished game. Having discussed themes from chess, to elements, to football and of course, a “water game,” the team is finalizing the finer details in the proposed game. The game’s game pieces, endgame, teleoperated period, and autonomous period have all been fleshed out to fit our “Gold Rush” theme while incorporating the chain element and a Coorportition aspect; for example, the Mine, Fool’s Gold, Sluice, etc. The field and game pieces and images of robots interacting with field elements have been rendered in 3D that allows for a visual representation of the game and placement of game components. Additionally, animations are being made to showcase gameplay in action and how the field elements will move and interact. Team members are researching to immerse themselves in the theme of gold mining while a scoring guide and presentation are being drafted and edited in preparation for the upcoming interview with the judges. Student presenters are practicing answering interview questions and covering important talking points. We are nervous and excited to present the final game product that we have been working on!

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