Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy Kickoff!

Happy Kickoff everyone! Saturday, the game reveal aired at 10:30 am and animated the Steamworks game! From now on the team meets four times a week to strategize, plan, and build! So excited!

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2017 Dean’s List Nominees

C0UvQLiXAAUaFSKCongratulations Leanne Townsend, mechanical student, and Arynn Hernandez, media student, our 2017 Dean’s List nominees! These girls showed and spread spirit for FIRST ideals on and off the team and excelled in STEM activities. They will soon go onto the next round of interviews within the MAR district, so make sure to wish them luck!

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MOE Christmas Party


Special thanks to Georgia, the awesome student who hosted MOE’s Christmas party this year! White elephant was once again a peaceful success. What better way to celebrate Christmas than with your faMOEly! 🎄

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This Black Friday shop at


When you shop for your loved ones this Black Friday, will donate to MOE and FIRST! Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving this holiday!

-Your friends at MOE

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Success Won’t Wait article


Success Won’t Wait wrote an article about the Duel’s book drive! Thanks so much to all those who donated and colllected/moved them Friday and Saturday! Article available here!

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Duel on the Delaware a Huge Success!

The Duel had a huge turnout yesterday and was a ton of fun! We had 34 teams come out to compete and a lot of awesome volunteers! MOE made it to quarterfinals after breaking down further and further every match, our comp team did very well. Congratulations to Velocity 5420, Miss Daisy 341 and SaBOTage 1640, champions of Duel 2016! Big thanks to all of our volunteers and our co hosting team, South Jersey Robotics and 316 LuNaTecs and event coordinator John Larock! Also, our fundraising activities were very successful, collecting 11,318 pounds of books for our Success Wont Wait Book Drive, team 271 Mechanical Marauders being the winner of MOE’s Book Drive Award. Our bake sale raised over $1100, possibly breaking the record! Thanks to all those who donated and were in charge of those. Congratulations to the winner of the Mike Wade Duel Master Volunteer Award, Kevin McKay from Team 5401 Fightin’ Robotic Owls! So many great things from the Duel as always! GO MOE

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Help Needed!


Fellow lovers of robots! We need help holding the Duel this Saturday in NJ, please contact with any energy you can spare. We would really appreciate it, and it’s always a blast! (PS there will be food) GO MOE

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Peach Festival a Great Success!

Today, MOE volunteers and parents spent the day spreading the word of FIRST, demonstrating CaMOElot’s skills to the public and selling a boat load of Horsey Foundation raffle tickets to raise funds! The festival itself was awesome as well and we greeted FRC Team Thermogenesis. Great job team, another very success year at the Peach Festival, very grateful for those that made it happen.

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Beginning of the 2016-2017 Season!

Yesterday, Student Interview questionnaires went out to those interested in taking part in the 2017 season! Interviews are near the end of August and soon we will have our new team! So exciting!


Throwback to our win at Seneca!

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Teaming Up with GoBabyGo!

Yesterday MOE students teamed up with GoBabyGo! to build little Dylan a toy car suited for special needs! The team helped and learned a lot! See their Facebook page at


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