MOE News Archive
2010-11 Season
2011 Philadelphia Regional
Saturday, April 9, 2011
In a day full of many surprises, MOE was proud to be part of the winning alilance. Led by Team 1640 and including Team 303, MOE played in the game through the semifinals. After PandeMOEnium stripped a gearbox, much to our horror, and the arm stopped working, Team 2607 stepped in as our backup bot and carried the alliance to finals, helping all four teams to victory!
Check out our robot PandeMOEnium in action.
See MOE recognizing other teams, giving out MOE Awards.
MOE Web Goes MOEbile!
Monday, April 4, 2011
The MOE Web site is now available on mobile devices... or as we prefer to call them, MOEbile devices! Scrolling all the way to the bottom, you'll find that our sidebar is replaced by an expanding menu that links to every page on our site. Now you can visit our website on the go to check on MOEmentum and keep up with the latest MOE news!
2011 Chesapeake Regional
Saturday, March 19, 2011
MOE had a very successful regional competition this weekend at Baltimore, MD. We were the 6th seed at the event. After playing some tough matches we finished in the quarterfinals. Although we didn't make it to the finals MOE won 3 awards, including Gracious Professionalism, Best Website and Innovation in Control. We had a great time and thank the city of Baltimore for hosting us! Click here to view MOE giving awards to other teams.
Pi Day
Monday, March 14, 2011
Happy Pi day! It's 3-14! Continuing our tradition from last year, MOE celebrated Pi Day with some pie made by our Web Team's own Malinda. It was key lime flavored - for the green - with coconut shreds and a graham cracker crust. And our robot wanted a byte ;-)
Japan Nuclear Crisis Talk
Monday, March 14, 2011
In the light of the recent catastrophes in Japan, one of our MOE mentors, Mike McCabe from PSE&G, caught us up with the technical side of the nuclear plant crisis. He showed us diagrams of a nuclear reactor near where we are similar to the ones at Fukushima Daiichi and explained the processes plants use to protect the public from potential explosions. Please keep Japan in your thoughts. For ways to help, visit the American Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders.
The Night Before Ship Date
Monday, February 21, 2011
At 9:47 pm on Monday night, the night before ship date, PandeMOEnium was in its crate and ready to go! This may or may not sound late to you, but this is a improvement for us from last year's 10:07. All the members had previously signed the inside of the crate, a MOE tradition that has continued for years - now, you only get a good signing space if you're lucky and fast! The clock that Jeremy is holding is another tradition. MOE has a running record of our ready times, and we are proud to put a completely functioning robot in that crate! Go MOE!
Diamond State FTC-FLL Tournament
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Judges Sal, Jeff and Bob assess a two-bot pile-up at the FTC/FLL tournament on Saturday. Over 100 First Tech and Lego League teams from all around the east coast arrived at the Bob Carpenter Center early that morning to prove their worth and show off their work. All of MOE 365 was in attendance, resetting fields, escorting teams and moderating practice sessions. But this was no hidden event: hundreds of curious kids and their parents came to observe the matches and learn what robotics is all about.
Click Here to see photos from the event!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Through our new triangle tube we received to play LogoMotion, MOE talks over the new challenge we are given. Over the Kickoff weekend, we met every day to talk over the game, our strategies, and ideas. Everyone contributed to the robot, filling out design sheets, voting on favorite ideas, and dividing ourselves up into further subteams. Although the hours were long, MOE has a great start and some great concepts!
MOE congratulates first!
Monday, December 13, 2010
MOE would like to wish first a happy 20th birthday! We got together and sent a cheer to first in a video clip so they could make a compliation video congratulating the teams on 20 great years!
Ramp Riot
Saturday, November 13, 2010
We were the number two selection overall and the first pick by Vulcan Robotics, Team 1218 and our alliance selected a great defender and third-zone shooter, Team 271. Though we didn't have a working kicker, it was fixed right before elimination matches. Thanks to our competition team made up of Claire, Carolyn, Jenna, Jeremy, Juliana, and Patrick! They did a great job. Also, thanks to everyone who contributed to the Mike Wade Memorial Canned Food Drive. The total number of cans collected at the event was over 1200!
Boeing Tour
Saturday, November 6, 2010
MOE students got a real treat when we visited Boeing for a tour of the factory. Click here for the Boeing Tour Photo Gallery
Duel on the Delaware
Saturday, October 16, 2010
It was a terrific fall day for the 9th Annual Duel on the Delaware. Thanks to all participating FRC and FTC teams! We had a total of 28 FRC teams and 18+ FTC teams at the Salem Community College. We raised over 6,000 lbs (3 tons!) of books for Success Won't Wait. Our duel champions were teams 25, 341, and 357. Team 1218 even scored a direct hit on the announcer, earning them the Bullseye Sharpshooter Award! Thanks for a great Duel!
Click here for older news.