Delaware STEM Expo
featuring the
SlingShot Documentary
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Cab Calloway School of the Arts
Wilmington, DE
SlingShot Tickets Available AT THE DOOR -- on-line sales closed. |
The STEM Expo will feature demonstrations by Delaware FIRST LEGO and Jr LEGO Leagues, FIRST Tech Challenge teams, and FIRST Robotics Competition teams, as well as information about FIRST and other local STEM programs.
Other Expo highlights include information on STEM Summer Camps, guest speakers discussing local STEM projects, and STEM displays.
In the SlingShot Documentary, FIRST Robotics co-founder Dean Kamen is spotlighted with an exclusive screening of the award-winning documentary SlingShot by director Paul Lazarus. The 90-minute film takes you into the fascinating world of Dean Kamen and his newest invention, the SlingShot water vapor compression distiller. Already benefitting people in Ghana, the SlingShot was created to reduce human illness on the planet by half.
This event is sponsored and hosted by First State Robotics.
The STEM Expo is FREE!
SlingShot Documentary Screening $10
Download Event Fact Sheet
1 - 5 PM STEM ExpoExhibitors include (Sponsors):
Meet and Hear Governor Jack Markell: 1:30 - 2:00 PM
- Junior FIRST LEGO League - Team
- FIRST Lego League - Team
- FIRST Tech Challenge - MOE 365 team
- FIRST Tech Challenge - Rhyme Know Reason team
- FIRST Robotics Competition - MOE 365 team
- FIRST State Robotics
- University of DE - MESS (Mechanical Engineering Student Squad) Program
- Perry Initiative
- Delaware Museum of Natural History
- PT Department - Star Campus at UD
- AI duPont Childrens Hospital
- DE FSAE (Formula Society of Automotive Engineers) Team
- FAME (Forum to Advance Minorities in Engineering)
- UD Engineers without Borders
- ILC Dover
- Red Clay School District - Summer Camp Programs
- Delaware Bio
- Delaware Nature Society
- Chesapeake Bay Girl Scout Council
- Latin American Community Center (LACC)
- Delaware STEM Council
- growingSTEMS
- Sovereign Air, LLC
- Wilmington Police Bomb Squad (Explosive Ordnance Disposal)
- Hologic
- Sylvan Learning
- U Delaware Horn Center for Entrprenuership
Sponsors Not Attending:
- Christiana Care Health Systems
- Gore & Associates
If you would like to help sponsor the event, details are given below.
SlingShot Documentary Premiere
2 PM Slingshot Movie Screening (approx. 90 minutes long)
SlingShot Tickets Available AT THE DOOR -- on-line sales closed.
Check out this trailer for the SlingShot Documentary!
Location and Time
Cab Calloway School of the Arts
100 North DuPont Road
Wilmington, DE 19805 (map)
1 - 5 PM STEM Expo
2 PM Slingshot Movie Screening
First State Robotics
If you are interested in connecting your children with local FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics programs in Delaware, please check out First State Robotics for programs from elementary grades through high school.
Corporate Sponsor Contributions
Please address all interest and questions to John Larock, Event Coordinator (
"Partner" Sponsors$1000 sponsorship includes the following:"Exhibitor" Sponsors
- 2 tickets to the movie screening
- Display table in prime location: the lobby
- Logo on all promotion materials (email, flyers, posters,brochures, etc.)
- 2 minute speaking opportunity
$300 sponsorship includes:
- prime location for visibilty
- 2 minute speaking opportunity
Individual Sponsor Contributions
First State Robotics is fundraising for our FIRST experience. Please consider making an additional contribution so that our team can build our robots and participate at upcoming FIRST events (we would love to see you there too!). NOTE: Tugg will only take a 5% deduction from your contribution to help offset processing fees (reduced from Tugg's standard 10% fee).
Contribution Levels |
Amount |
Team Supporter | $10.00 | ||
Supporter of the local team | |||
Robot Builder | $25.00 | ||
Helps pay for supplies for students to get to competitions | |||
Gracious Professional | $50.00 | ||
Helps pay for transportation for students to get to competitions | |||
F.O.D. (Friend of Dean) | $100.00 | ||