First-Year Infobase
FIRST is an ever-expanding organization with new teams popping up every year. Because so much is demanded every year, many new (or "rookie") teams often find themselves overwhelmed. Fortunately, it has been a part of the FIRST and MOE tradition to assist rookie teams throughout the course of the build and competition season. Hence, MOEmentum was born.
After more than a decade in FIRST, we at MOE know well the trials and tribulations that come with building a robot - whether it is your 1st or 21st build. Therefore, over the years we have successfully compiled our information into a week-by-week newsletter, filled with helpful tips and pointers, intended to aid first year teams. There are also documents available that you may find useful for organizing team meetings.
We hope to see you on the field!
Wishing you the best of luck,
FIRST Team MOE 365
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please feel free to contact our MOE Leader, on the footer below.