Sub Teams - Mechanical
- Prototype concepts for your desired robot functions as soon as possible. Use whatever materials are at your disposal. The faster you can make something, the faster you can determine if it will work or what you need to do to modify it.
- Work to get a robot on the floor as quickly as possible. With this year's chassis supplied by FIRST, you should have no problem getting a robot running in one long day's work.
- Develop a model of your chassis and your key functioning components (drive train, arms, grippers, etc.) and determine how they will "fit" inside. Make sure all subteam leaders understand their space requirements.
- Develop drawings of various robot components as you are capable. You may not be able to lock in dimensions yet, but having a rough draft of your various components will save you time later.
- Check the FIRST and Chief Delphi websites for libraries of field components and robot parts. Using these "off the shelf" models will save you significant time.