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MOE Safety

One of our sponsors, DuPont, is well known for its great safety reputation. DuPont's history began making gun powder at Hagley Mill., DuPont jumped into the business producing an unsafe substance. Because of this, safety has always been important to them as well as a priority of the MOE team.

MOE and CPR!

Recently, MOE sponsored a CPR class for the team! The class allowed students and mentors to become educated and properly trained and receive certification in CPR. Thanks to everyone who attended and a special thanks to our safety mentor for organizing the event. In total, 6 people became certified and 2 others received training!

Memoirs of a Safety Captain

Safety Team
 Student Safety Captain Arynn with Mentor Pam Rife and the Safety Bug

Operation: "Keep Everyone Safe and Engaged". Agent Arynn has been MOE Safety Captain for two years, and during this time she has added her own fun and easily remembered twists to the subject. Safety is vital to participating in MOE so she has taken on the responsibility of embodying safety and living it no matter where the team is @. Safety is a way of life on the DuPont site with such powerful machinery in use, and she works to ensure that every person does their part and that they find it necessary to do. Safety is not a chore.. it can be fun and is needed to get things done.


The MOE 365 team wanted to learn more about the safe lifting process. The FIRST manual gives "suggestions and recommendations" for transporting the robots. The guidance is that "Each team must determine what practice is acceptable for their needs." Unfortunately, OSHA does not provide specific rules/guidance on the subject either so the team felt we needed to get some expert advice.

One of our Safety conscious mentors, Chuck, worked with the Safety team to arrange for a Physical Therapist to present a Safe Lifting presentation. The presentation "Raised" the awareness of the team to what is the standard recommendations in industry today. Special thanks to Terri Burgess with Christiana Care Health Sytem for permission to post the presentation in hopes that other teams too will become more aware of the industry standard around lifting and prevent injuries.


The MOE team is working hard to institute a "I-MOE-K" system. We are evaluating our emergency action plan to ensure we know what to do in the event an of an emergency. Below ae some examples of important sections of the I-MOE-K code.

Basic Travel Safety:
Team members are provided contact information (phone # of traveling members) & travel details. Recommend Program at least 2 contact numbers into your phone prior to leaving for event. Travel safety basics= carpool participants are expected to follow car/road safety precautions= seatbelts, refrain from cell phone use while driving, obeying speed limits.

Event Safety:
Emergency preparedness= Plan an exit strategy at all times prior to emergencies. DO NOT PANIC. Know the Emergency response team members and location of the Emergency reps at events.

Safety in Action

MOE's 2016 Safety Animation