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Web Team 2014

Hand-Coded Hilarity

Welcome new members!

We are the 2013-2014 MOE Web team! Our subteam consists of four members, and unlike the other subteams on MOE, we do not usually help build the robot. Instead, we serve as the communication hub for the team, and we link MOE to the rest of the world. Through our award winning website we've helped many teams by providing resources for rookie teams (such as MOEmentum) and inspiration for veteren ones. This small group of students is most proud of painstakingly hand-coding everything you see on the website while still keeping it professional and aesthetically pleasing. The web team includes Mr. Wilkens, Mrs. Heidi, Duncan, Ryan, and our webmasters Jenn, and Hannah!

Each of the members on the web team is different and each brings an exciting aspect to the team - we have coders, graphic designers, photographers, and layout designers. With such a diverse group of people and our high standards, we know that the site will be unique and epic. Thanks to our awesome mentors, we are always updating our website to the best of our abilities to produce a product any professional web designer would be envious of.

Don't forget to check out the Web Teams of Years Past!