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MOE spirit's become a major part
of who we are as a team
At competition you know who we are
Just look for the people in green!

Interview with a Spirit Captain

The web team sat down with Spirit Captain Josh for an interview inside of the world of spirit. We first asked what spirit meant to him, to which he responded, "Spirit is the act of motivating a single person or team to compete a goal to the best of their ability." Next we asked what was his favorite part of spirit. Josh retorted, "Coordinating with other teams." He then added, "Robotics is the only event where I've cheered with and for other teams." We then inquired what the hardest part of keeping up spirit is at a MOE competition. "We get there very early and leave late. A lot of people get tired and it's hard to keeping going," replied Josh. The only possible followup question is what keeps him going through the day. "Motivation and Inspiration," he began, "and Mountain Dew." Finally we asked what his favorite spirit memory was. "One time I got three teams to simultaneously cheer their own cheers on beat. I was conducting it all with a wand."

MOE Sounds

MOE Cheer icon MOE Cheer! (MP3 110K)        Moe Wobblies icon Hear our Wobblies! (MP3 79KB)        MOE Clapping Stix icon Click to hear the infamous MOEStix! (MP3 177KB)

Where did the MOE Cheer originate?

"Let's Go (Pony)" by The Routers started a rythmic craze in 1962 that has lasted for more than 50 years!
Listen to the original 45-rpm Let's Go (Pony).

Click to view our Proud Grandmas

MOE at Prom