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President's Circle

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One of the goals of first is to have a first team in every high school across the nation. The president of first , Paul Gudonis, was inspired by the presentation of Chad Hurley, co-founder of, at the 2007 Championship Event in Atlanta, Georgia, and created the President's Circle-- a group of twenty-five teams that created YouTube videos with the simple message of how to start more teams. All of the teams in the circle were invited to send two people to the Kickoff in Massachusetts, and to visit Dean Kamen's home.

The video MOE submitted was rated four and a half stars by our peers on YouTube, and has had over 1,000 views. In January, we sent one mentor and one student to the kickoff. They came back with great insight and pictures of the playing field that helped immensely when brainstorming and designing our robot!

This is the original video with Paul Gudonis who fully explains the President's Circle.

President Award