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Creation of MOE Awards

At each competition that we attend, MOE is honored to hand out awards to different teams. We hand out six different awards: Gracious Professionalism, Safety, Functional Integrity, Imagery, Spirit, and Unique Design. The awards are made by a MOE student from DuPont Corian®. We are proud that our awards are machined from a DuPont product. Please visit the DuPont Corian® web site.

Ryan and Ryan during the creation of the Moe awards          Moe awards

This year's awards were made by the two Hodgson students pictured above.

MOE student pointing out MOE Award Design.

So, what does MOE use to create the awards? First, a CAD program that works with a milling machine is used to create the design of the award. Using this kind of program makes creating awards a lot more precise and less tedious.


In this picture, you can see a close-up of the design of the award on the computer. It shows exactly how we want the award to look.

Close up on CAD picture.
MOE Student with milling machine.

Here the MOE student is setting up the milling machine.


With the design of the award in place, the milling machine is ready to go to work. Here the machine is beginning to carve out the image.

Beginning of the milling machine operating.

Now that the milling machine is making the image, it gets more exciting. Look at all the shreds fly!

Milling Machine at work.
Milling machine process completed.

Now the milling machine has finished its job. The next thing to do is paint the award!


Also, there was assistance. There is always a mentor who can help out with anything, including how to program and use the milling machine!

MOE Student and Mentor.

In the final step the colors of the award are being put in.


After coloring, here is our completed product!

MOE Student with completed award.
Student and Mentor with full set of Awards.

Here are all of our completed awards!