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Seneca 2016

Seneca Panorama

Winning Alliance Award CaMOElot Hanging

Motorola Quality Award

MOE won the
Seneca Competition
in alliance with
Nemesis 2590 and
Falcon Robotics 1626

MOE's robot CaMOElot
won the
Motorola Quality Award
Seneca Winner Award

Motorola Quality Award

MOE was honored to receive the
UL Pit Safety Award

MOE was pleased to receive the
Helpfulness Award from
Storm Robotics 2729
Seneca Winner Award

MOEwards... Awards Given by MOE

Awards Given

MOEward Presentations at Seneca

CaMOElot's Autonomous Crosses Defenses and Shoots Boulders High into Towers

CaMOElot Loves to Scale Towers!

See more about CaMOElot on CaMOElot's Page

MOE Spirit in Action at Seneca!

Seneca from the Green Point of View

Seneca Panorama