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2006 Personal Recognition Awards

Given by MOE Members at the 2006 Championship Event
2006 Championships Personal Recognition Award Button MOE once again gave out their own Personal Recognition Award buttons to deserving people from other teams. As much as we want our own team to exhibit gracious professionalism, we also want to recognize others for their gracious acts. We recognize them below - you can see details of their memorable deeds on our Championship PRA List.
Ambassador Anderson, Atlanta City Ambassadors
Dick Balsley, FRC 67
Barbara Bowen, first
Ryan "Ryno" Boyle, FRC 217
Walter Brauckman, FRC 768
Andy Brockway, FRC 716
Aidan Browne, Head ref
Mihai Bulic, FRC 217
Gary Cleveland, GWCC EMT
Competition Team, FRC 48
Paul Copioli, FRC 217
Courtney, FRC 173
Adam Daugherty, Georgia Dome vendor
John Davis, FRC 231
John Deacon, Embassy Suites - front desk
Haim Dribin, FRC 1574
John Dudas, Government Official
Terry Durkin, first
Eagle Robotics Mascot, FRC 399
Doborah Engel, FRC 481
Kate Epstein, Videographer & producer
Brianna Fisher, FRC 291
Woodie Flowers, first/MIT
Dr Gary Gear, Judge
Debbie Goric, Volunteer Check-in
Casey Hagelin, FRC 1276
Justin Harden, student
Chris Hyde, FLL 1707
Jon Jack, FRC 1538
Karthik, FRC 1114
Kevin, CNN crew
Frank King
Greg Krajewski, FRC 365
LA, FRC 1002
Ted Lau, FRC 397
Mark Lavine, Safety Advisor
Ian Mackinzie
Wendy Marsh, FRC 1126
Randy Melzer, Underwriters Laboratory
Bill Moore, FRC 365
Jackie Moore, first Senior Mentor - Chicago
Terry Moore, FRC 365
Wayne Morton, FRC 1370
Thelma Myers, first staff
Ken Patton, FRC 65
Ms. Phillips, MARTA
Benjamin Rosh, Omni Hotel
Matt Royek, FRC 306
Rick Rubino, DJ
Eric Schnabe, FRC 45
Christine Schutz, FLL and JFLL grandmother
Tracey Shamdor, Georgia Tech
Sam Solomon, Illinois Institute of Technology
Desiree Taminelli, Volunteer Coordinator - Chesapeake Regional
Gordon Zverndorfer, FRC 79
Regional Personal Recognition Awards
Official -- a first First
Pittsburgh Regional Personal Recognition Award Button Philadelphia Regional Personal Recognition Award Button
MOE and first jointly piloted a first Personal Recognition Award process at the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Regionals. The purpose is to acknowledge and more broadly recognize individuals deserving of recognition at first events. Each team at the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Regionals was given three Personal Recognition buttons. These buttons were to be awarded to people or groups that the giving team thought deserved recognition during the event. Teams were asked to complete a short form describing the reason for the recognition and drop it off at Pit Administration.

Listed here are the recipients of these buttons at the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Regionals. If you know these folks, feel free to congratulate them on receiving a 2006 first Regional Personal Recognition button. You may learn more about their personal acts of kindness on the detailed list.
Pittsburgh Regional
Chuck Trautwein, Team 1629
Tom Albert, Team 63
Brian Lucas, Team 365
Trey Baisden, Team 337
Norm, Team 1038
Lorie Bush, Univ. Pittsburgh Event Center Staff
Jess Jankowitcsch, Event Volunteer
Jerry Joler, Team 337
Pete Kieselbach, Event Volunteer
Mr. Campbell, Team 1038
Big Bill, Team 1038
Matt Dwyer, Team 128
Corry High School, Team 306
Lakota East Robotics, Team 1038
Mike Hayes, Team 291
J.C. Boam, Team 291
Chris Ferraro, Team 63
Sue, Team 128
Benidumn Shop Guys
Philadelphia Regional
Marge Cyran, Team 381
Michele Edmiston, Team 381
Felix Leon, Team 381
Team 365
Matteas Atkinson, Team Innovation first
Sarah Becker, Team 716 alum
The Concession
Raimie Utterback
Rosanne Danner, Team 316
Cathy Beck, Team 103
Sharon Erlich, Team 618
Marie Kniedler, Team 365