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MOE at the 2008 first Philadelphia Regional

Drexel University

Drexel University Logo Another great event, the Philadelphia Regional at Drexel University, occurred from March 27-29. The Miracle Workerz, MOE, attended this Regional having a great time being around, and competiting with and against other first teams. There was a lot of spirit, and great intensity in the matches.

DynaMOE in a practice round.

Thursday, Day One:
Practice Matches

Early Thursday morning, MOE students met with mentors and parents at DuPont's Barley Mill Plaza, to depart from Delaware and participate at Drexel. Our competition team had good practice matches with DynaMOE, and our Scouts were able to gather very good information on other robots.

Friday, Day Two:
Qualification Rounds!

The Practice Matches were over, and now it was time for Qualification Rounds. Just like any other regional, intensity and difficulty on the playing field increased. An increase in spirit was shown in each team as well. Mascots from different teams were coming out, including MOE's "Uppet"!

DynaMOE getting ready to hurdle.
Philadelphia Regional Winner Banner


Check out the Final Matches at our Philadelphia Regional Elimination Matches Page!

Saturday, Day Three:
Finale of Qualifications,
Advent of Finals,
Awards Ceremony

Qualification Matches were over, and alliances for the elimination rounds were chosen before lunch. The second seed, Team 341, Miss Daisy, chose us, MOE 365, and Team Chuck 84, to create an alliance. We raced around the track and hurdled Trackballs over the overpass to reach the finals against the number one seed, Cybersonics, Technology Team 103, who were allied with Lansdale Catholic Robotics, Team 272, and Technowizards, Team 809.

The final rounds were very close. We lost the first match due to three penalties against our alliance. We thought the second match was a tie at first, without counting penalties. In the end there were no penalties, and we won the match by two points from a ball crossing our finish line dropped by Miss Daisy, winning us the match. In the very final match, everyone in the stadium was filled with spirit, cheering on both alliances, seeing who would win the last match of the finals. In the end, after a very exciting competition, with one penalty on each alliance, our alliance won 88 to 70!

Awards Given by MOE to Other Teams

Awards Given by MOE to Other Teams
Award Team Reason
Functional Integrity 103, Cybersonics The robot just didn't need fixing often.
Gracious Professionalism 1712, Dawgma Helped 2558 create parts.
Imagery 1601, Quantum Samurai We really liked the Sanurai theme.
Safety 1511, Rolling Thunder Exceptional: every mentor knew CPR, had portable AAD in stands, had battery spill kit, medical supplies.
Spirit 341, Miss Daisy This team was outstanding in the morning when others were still waking up.
Unique Design 2607, Archbishop Wood HS Used a unique windmill design to knock ball off overpass.

Awards Received by MOE from Other Teams

The Masukotto Award, given by Team 1601, Quantum Samurai
This is the Masukotto (Mascot) Award given to us by Team 1601, Quantum Samurai.
INN * 0V8 (Innovation), given by Team 1511, Rolling Thunder
The INN * 0V8 Award, the Innovation Award, was given to us by 1511, Rolling Thunder.