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MOE at the 2006 first Philadelphia Regional

Drexel University

Philadelphia welcome banner

The 2006 first Philadelphia Regional is definitely one of the more exciting regionals in which we have participated. The Miracle Workerz had a great time. Highlights include our winning the Best Website Award as well as the Volunteer of the Year Award!

Volunteer of the Year Award - Bill Enslen

Bill Enslen commits more time to the organization of our team than the other adults, especially when we have to travel, but he also does more to help with the first community as a volunteer scorekeeper for a great number of events. Always willing to help, he is cheerful and a positive role model to everyone.
Bill Enslen - Volunteer of the Year Award Winner
MOE Awards given to other teams

Awards presented to other teams by MOE at Philadelphia

The Functionality Award, given to Team 341, Ms. Daisy,

The award for Gracious Professionalism, given to Team 250, the Dynamos,

The Imagery Award, given to the Juggernots, Team 1394,

The Unique Design Award, given to Team 134, the Spartechs, and

The Safety Award, given to Team 291, the CIA!

Photos from Philadelphia

Cheering in the Stands
Strategy MeetingBill Enslen Reciving Award
MOE Spirit!Taking Pictures
Queing BoardMore Cheering in the Stands
TerMOEnator on RampPhilly Scoreboard
Mentor with other TeamPeeps at Philly