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Mid-Atlantic Robotics (MAR) Region Championships

Liacouras Center, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

MAR District Championships 2012 panorama MAR Motorola Quality Award

MOE had a great time at the MAR District Championships! With so many competitive and well-reputed teams at this event, we knew that the team would be in for an exciting couple of days. MOE got off to a slow start, seeding in the twenties, but we battled back and managed to earn the number 6 seed before alliance selection. We decided to become our own alliance captains and subsequently picked team 222, Tigertrons, and 1626, the Falcons. Our alliance made it all the way to semifinals before being knocked out by the 7th alliance.

At this event, MOE received the Motorola Quality Award which celebrates robot "robustness in concept and fabrication." We also revealed two new features of our robot at MAR: the "harpoon" (nicknamed the "poon") to help us triple balance and our ball compressibility sensor. Both features helped us become more competitive and effective on the court.

Awards Given by MOE to Other Teams

awards given by MOE to other teams
Award Team # Team Name
Functional Integrity 25 Raider Robotics
Gracious Professionalism 869 Power Cord
Imagery 303 Test Team
Safety 3142 C-Perture
Spirit 75 Robo Raiders
Unique Design 1302 Pope John Robotics

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Recognizing Our Volunteers

Special Inspector's Award!

Special Inspector's Award

MOE mentor, Brian Lucas, the head inspector at the Lenape district event, gave an award to team 25 for being gracious for suffering through their multitude of re-inspections at Lenape. Team 25's drive would completely chew up the basketballs and cover them with grease, so Brian and Rizzo awarded them a demolished ball with bolts and treads glued to them.