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Bridgewater Raritan 2014

BR Panorama BR Awards Won

Team 365 attended the Bridgewater Raritan district event March 29-30! By alliance selection, we were seeded 9th. The 5th seeded alliance, team 3314, the Mechanical Mustangs chose us to be on their alliance! We then selected team 1089, Mercury, to join us on our sprint to victory. After battling through quarter and semifinals, we arrived in the finals match. We put up a good fight but were defeated for the victory. MOE went home successful with the Finalist Award, Spirit Award, and Safety Award! Congratulations to all teams that attended and a big shout out to the winning alliance: teams 293, 4361, and 193.

Awards Given by MOE to Other Teams

Awards Given
Award Team # Team Name
Best Autonomous 1279 Cold Fusion
Gracious Professionalism 303 TEST Team
Having the Most Fun 4573 Rambotics
Best Pit 3314 Mechanical Mustang
Out of the Box Thinking 4361 Roxbotix

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